How a Professional Editor Can Help You Get Published: Manuscript Evaluation

I found this article very helpful for writers of all genres.

Change It Up Editing

One of the biggest mistakes a writer can make is moving forward with a manuscript that isn’t ready for submission or publication. Whether you ID-10098753choose to query agents and publishers or you decide to self-publish your work, remember the old saying:

 “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

How do you know if your book is ready to meet the world? One way is to have a professional manuscript evaluation.

You’ve shared your work with family and friends—and they’ve all raved about your storytelling talent. You’ve shared it with your critique group and beta readers, and they’ve offered some useful, constructive criticism. You’ve tweaked this, deleted that, and rewritten entire scenes and characters.

Now is the time for an honest and objective critique of your plot, dialogue, characters and pace, or opinions about structure, coherency, consistency, and organization.

A manuscript evaluation is a big-picture look that…

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2 responses to “How a Professional Editor Can Help You Get Published: Manuscript Evaluation

  1. Thanks so much for reblogging this, and I hope your followers will also enjoy the related articles about developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading that are linked at the end of this one.